Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Adventure of the "At Home Pregnancy Test"

OK, so my journey of the at home pregnancy test started on Thanksgiving morning.
Brad and I had decided that after the wedding we would start trying to have a baby. It just so happened that Thanksgiving was exactly 5 days before my missed period, so I went out and got one of those early detection pregnancy. I took it first thing in the morning, and it was negative. That was fine, i knew that it still might be too early to tell so I decided to wait to see if I actually missed my period.
So, five days later, mother nature did not bring me my monthly gift, so it decided to take another test, this is where the fun begins.
The test, if positive would have a control line in one window and a plus sign in the other, If negative it would just have one line in the other window. I took the test, and waited the 3 minutes that the box told me to. I started to get excited when I saw the faintest bit of a plus sign show up. I called Brad into the bathroom to confirm. He also said he could see a faint plus sign, but was not sure that was positive enough to confirm that I was pregnant. He said I should wait a couple days and take another one.
Three days later I decided to take another test. Yet again, another faint plus sign was there but it was not bold enough to be a confirmation. Now I was getting pissed! I thought maybe the problem was that I had gotten a regular pregnancy test the second time instead of the early detection type. So I made Brad take me to Walgreen's and I got a cheap early detection pregnancy test. DO NOT GET CHEAP PREGNANCY TEST!!!!!!!! I took the first one when I got back to the house, and as my luck was going with pregnancy tests, the control did not even show up! (well it finally did, A DAY LATER!) I was so irritated, so i just decided to wait and take the second test in the morning.
I got up early the next morning and took the test. I was happy to see that the control had come up, but the line confirming I was pregnant had not. A little disappointed, I got ready for work and left.
When I got to work my boss asked if I had a confirmation yet, I told her not exactly. I still had a test left over from my first run of test and I had brought it with me. I took it and sure enough that stupid "iffy" plus was there again! It still was not good enough for me! So on my lunch break, I gave in, went to the store and bought the expensive digital pregnancy test! USE DIGITAL PREGNANCY TESTS!
Now I have my digital test. I am very excited, and waiting for my results only to come to find out that I have messed up the test!!!! WTF! My boss is teasing me saying that even 14 year old girls can take pregnancy test!!! What can I say, we know I am a retard! So i wait a little longer. This time I pee in a cup, give it to my boss and she does the test for me! Three minutes later, it is confirmed the test says, YES!!!!!!!

So if you learn anything from this post hopefully it will be:

1. Do not buy cheap pregnancy test
2. Read the instructions before you use said test
3.Just get the damn Digital ones. I should have listened to my friend Jen 2 weeks ago!!!
4. If all else fails pee in a cup and have your boss do your test for you!

Despite all the problems I had finding out that I was pregnant, I am so excited! I have decided to create this blog to document my journey to motherhood. Hope all goes well! Wish us luck!!!